Dress Code and Conduct

In order to maintain the experience at The Vintage, our dress code is smart-casual. Flip-flops, tank tops, sports apparel, sweatpants and work boots are not allowed. Clean, high-quality sneakers combined with complementary attire are acceptable. Gentlemen may wear smart-casual bermuda style shorts only prior to 4pm on weekend days. No excessively frayed or torn clothing. No bandannas worn as headwear. No clothing with vulgar or sexually explicit language/graphics. No clothing that is excessively revealing or exposed undergarments.

Yelling, loud or profane language will not be tolerated as it detracts from the enjoyment of our other guests. Absolutely no displaying of political or religious ideological banners or flags. Treating staff with disrespect or inappropriate behavior in any way toward another guest or staff is grounds for being asked to leave, suspension or if necessary permanent banning.

All decisions on dress code and conduct is subject to the sole discretion of management. As a private club and business, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.